Sunday, August 16, 2009

what's that soft sucking sound?

What's that soft sucking sound? It could be the money trickling out of my pocket on this project, but its actually the sweet sound of a vacuum system nearing completion. I spent this week replacing the vacuum lines on the 3-valve vacuum system that comes on a ALH TDI engine. After diagramming which port on which valve went where, I was able to determine with lines I needed to cap-off, and which needed to route to its original end destination. When you look at the 2 main valve, one has a light colored top and the other has a dark colored top. Both have a port coming off the top pointing to the left, and a port directly beneath it also going to the left. On the opposite side there is a port heading to the right. I labeled the ports: White (top left, lower left, right) as A, B and C, the Dark as D, E and F respectively.

This is the line mapping:
A: goes to a "T" (call offshoot A') to the white side of a dashpot to one arm of a "Y"
A': goes to vacuum ball
B: runs to the vacuum port on the turbo
C: to F through "T"
D: goes to a "T" (call offshoot D') to vacuum pump
D': to other arm of the "Y" ( from port A)
E: to EGR
F: to "T" (call offshoot F') to C
F': to aircleaner
"Y": goes to bottom port of 2-port valve. the other port routes to the EGR arm actuator.

Obviously, I don't need any of the EGR related ones, so my line mapping is a little less complicated. Port E was blocked off immediately. The top port of the 2-port valve was blocked off.

I took the assembly and mounted it onto the spare tire thing that hangs down the left side of the engine bay. The picture here shows the original stock studs after I got them through the steel. It took considerable reach and some pounding with a rubber mallet to get them seated all the way. I didn't put much vibration muffling in there, but I'm hoping it'll be fine. We'll see. I mounted the 2-port valve on the side too, since it doesn't need to activate anything anymore. It needs to have a vacuum signal, though, or the computer will be unhappy.
I still need a vacuum pump, and a place to mount the vacuum ball. I removed the mounting bracket from the engine and will mount it to the wall near the rest of the vacuum components. I figured that keeping the lines short, and the system all together, I may not bork it up with other work. I'll take a picture when the ball is installed and upload it.

I don't know if Hal is coming over today or not. I got a dogbone mount from a guy on the TDI list for little more than the cost of shipping, and it had just been re-bushed. Just holding it in the air, it looks like there are lots of different ways we can integrat it, and there is plenty of room.

Next, I'll be finishing up the vacuum system: vacuum ball mounting, shopping for vacuum pump, fab'ing a blockoff plate. With spare moments, I'll be working on the engine hatch.

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